Draco of Republic Dobermans

Upcoming litters: Summer 2022, Winter 2022

Draco x Sascha’s litter should be born in July 2022. We are very excited about this breeding. They are both fantastic dogs with great working drive, intelligence, agility, speed, beauty, big hearts when it comes to their friends and family, and big teeth when it comes to strangers you don’t know.

This litter will probably be completely sold to those on our current waiting list. If you would like to inquire about joining the waiting list for future litters, please fill out the questionnaire on our home page.

Draco x Freya’s litter is expected in winter of 2022. This will be their first breeding. Currently the waiting list for this breeding is open. We expect these puppies to be of the same exceptional quality that our past litters have displayed.

Our Doberman Pinscher puppies are bred and whelped in Houston, TX, at our home.