Draco of Republic Dobermans



Draco is our full European Doberman Pinscher male. He is the epitome of the ideal Doberman personality. He is strong willed, eager to please, quick to learn, driven to work, and has natural working dog instincts.

Stats – Height: 30″ at withers | Weight: 105 lbs

Draco demonstrates a high level of intelligence, and emotional understanding. He was easily trained. Some of his favorite tricks are opening/closing doors on command, and opening unlocked baby gates not-on-command. He loves to play fetch, and has very high natural prey drive.

Draco of Republic Kennels

He and Sascha recently scared away a would-be burglar from our home. (That burglar went on to break in to half a dozen homes in our neighborhood, later that day. He even broke in through a front door of a home, with 2 large Labrador Retrievers. All dogs are not created equal.) With that said, he always knows when we introduce a friend, and is immediately welcoming of our guests. He is also great with children, and overall very tolerant and patient with even adults acting like children. He has never shown aggression or hostility to a guest or family member. His “on/off” switch has a perfect record. On his emotional side, he is gentle when it is appropriate. He can sense your mood. When you are ready to play fetch or tug-o-war, he is always ready. Ready for a run? He’s your partner. Ready for a cuddle, he’s happy to join. It’s this diversity and range in personality that makes a high quality Doberman Pinscher such a satisfying choice and such a joy to own…or make a part of your family.

Draco also has classic European Doberman looks . Undoubtedly, if you are this far into looking at Dobermans, you are familiar with the fact that there are two commonly recognized types of Doberman Pinschers: American and European. If you are not, or you’d like to read our take on the two types, check out our page on the topic: American vs. European Doberman Pinschers. Draco’s physical traits provide a look at a carefully developed breeding process to produce a high quality physical specimen. His head and neck are thick, his body is well muscled and well defined. His chest is broad and he is evenly proportioned from his back to brisket, and brisket to foot. His belly is tucked high. He has a sporty, powerful appearance, which he comes by honestly. At an average weight of 100 lbs, he is a large dog, and a large male Doberman.

Draco is a descendant of many champions, including: Pride of Russia, GTP (Get to the point), Anubis, Kimbertal and more.

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Draco even knows a few lines of Shakespeare…

See our Puppies for Sale page for more information about upcoming litters and how to get on the Republic Dobermans waiting list.

Nicknames: Big Pretty
DOB: 3/8/2018
Current Weight: 117 llbs
Home town: H-Town
Favorite food: peanut butter and chicken
Favorite toy: nerf ball guns, especially glow in the dark
Favorite type of play: keep-away, and tug of war
Favorite trick: speak and catching treats in the air
Worst thing I ever did: decided daddy’s brand new Astro’s hat was tasty, also learning how to open the baby gate that was meant to keep him in
What I love the most: hearing the words “Play” and “Treat”

What else: Draco is the most loyal and protective dog you could ask for, and the most loving once he decides you’re his friend. Loves the beach, long walks, and playing with Sascha.