Draco of Republic Dobermans


Nicknames: (anything you call your pup besides their name) Keeto Weeto, Handsome Shmansome

DOB: 4/1/2021

Current Weight: 58lbs

Home town: Fort Worth, TX

Favorite food: peanut butter

Favorite toy: ANY ball

Favorite type of play: hide and seek

Favorite trick: speak

Worst thing I ever did: snuck into the pantry and ate half of loaf of bread.

What I love the most: walks around the the neighborhood, going to work with mom (mostly because he gets soo much love from everyone)

What else: Kilo is such a smart pup and he never takes no for answer when he asks to play.  In his spare time, (hehe) he enjoys being on guard and barking at any potential intruders (mostly birds or joggers) that pass by the window. We love him so so much!